Useful S2 Geometry Links#
Your micro ‘Awesome S2 Geometry’ list. If you have another S2 related link that may be useful here, please open an Issue or PR.
Core documentation of S2 and the S2 cell system.
S2 Geometry: The S2 Geometry homepage.
S2 Cells: Reference S2 documentation on the S2 cell system.
S2 Geometry Concepts: The concepts page of this documentation.
Earth Cube: Description of the face cell mapping in the S2 cell system.
S2 Cell Statistics: Details on the sizes of S2 cells at each level.
Geometry on the Sphere: Presentation on the core concepts of the S2 cell hierarchy.
Mapping and visualisation tools for S2 cells.
S2 Region Coverer Online Viewer: Interactive S2 cell covering calculator.
Reference and third-party implementations of S2 in various languages.
google/s2geometry: The reference C++ and Python implementation.
google/s2-geometry-library-java: The reference Java implementation.
sidewalklabs/s2sphere: A pure-Python S2 implementation.
golang/geo: A Go implementation of S2.
radarlabs/s2: NodeJS, Javascript and TypeScript bindings for the reference C++ implementation.
mapbox/node-s2: NodeJS/Javascript bindings for the reference C++ implementation.
r-spatial/s2: R bindings for the reference implementation.
s2geometry-d: A D implementation of S2.
s2-geometry-kotlin: A Kotlin implementation of S2.
Users of S2 in general, not just of this library.
Apache Lucene: Used to implement spatial indexing for Apache Solr.
Azure Data Explorer: Used by the
function.BigQuery: Used to implement the BigQuery geography functions.
ClickHouse: Used to implement geographical data and indexing.
CockroachDB: Used to implement the spatial indexing.
InfluxDB: Used to implement the Geo package.
MongoDB: Used to implement the
indexing.PhotoPrism: Used to implement photo geocoding.
S2 Users Mailing List: The Google Groups mailing list for S2 users and developers.